Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Hunger and Malnutrition #ScareHunger

Who Is at Risk for Malnutrition?

All over the world, people who are poor or who live in poverty-stricken areas are at the greatest risk for hunger and malnutrition. In poor countries, wars and natural disasters such as droughts and earthquakes also can contribute to hunger and malnutrition by disrupting normal food production and distribution.
In the United States, food manufacturers fortify some common foods with vitamins and minerals to prevent certain nutritional deficiencies. For example, the addition of iodine to salt helps prevent some thyroid gland problems (such as goiter), folic acid added to foods can help prevent certain

Monday, 15 June 2015

Hunger and Malnutrition #ScareHunger

If you're raising a picky eater, you might worry that your child isn't getting the nutrients necessary for proper growth and development.
But you probably don't need to worry unless your doctor tells you that your child isn't growing at the normal rate for that age range. Over time, most finicky eaters do get enough calories and nutrients to meet their needs.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

3 things you need to stop doing to be happier today

1. Stop trying to be perfect. 

As women, we have this idea in our head that we need to be superhuman. We strive to be the best mother, most loyal friend, perfect girlfriend/wife, A+ student, and the greatest employee.

On top of that, we also need to have a picture perfect body, fit into those jean shorts we wore in college, cook a healthy meal every night, never eat sweets after 7 p.m. and eat perfectly 24/7. We put an insane amount of pressure on ourselves to “get it all right.”