Saturday, 20 April 2013


What exactly is AVENUES TO WEALTH?
By Roland Ogudiegwu


Put in a better way, Avenues to Wealth (A2W) is a company that has a very unique product (called the "Privilege Pack") but has decided to DISTRIBUTE this unique product through a NETWORK MARKETING MODEL.

The “Network Marketing model”?
Before I define what Network Marketing model is, I’ll like to share with you first, the Conventional Business Model.

Conventional Business Model is a system that allows a PRODUCER to distribute his products through a WHOLESALER, then the RETAILER, before the CONSUMERS finally come to purchase the products from the retailer. (See the table below).

Network Marketing (a.k.a. Direct Selling or Multi-level marketing, MLM) is a business distribution model that allows the same PRODUCER to market (and sell) the PRODUCTS DIRECTLY TO CONSUMERS by means of relationship referral. Each CONSUMER therefore becomes a DISTRIBUTOR and he’s rewarded for every sale within his network.

Conventional Business Model:
Producer --» Wholesaler --» Retailer «-- Consumer (Notice the direction of the arrow that in this model, it is the consumer that goes to the retailer to buy).
It's a closed model

Network Marketing:
Producer --» Consumer 1 (who is also a distributor) --» Consumer 2 (another distributor)--» Consumer 3 (yet another distributor)…
It goes on and on. It's a continuous model.

It was discovered that people sell FAR MORE using the Network Marketing model than the conventional model. Today, Network Marketing is the fastest growing BUSINESS MODEL in the world. Why? Because sales are made DIRECTLY by MORE PEOPLE (the consumers who are also the distributors) without going through the normal distribution CHAIN [and without having to spend any money on advertisement. Instead the advert is by "Word of Mouth" or people's recommendations]. The money for advertising is instead used to reward the consumers (who are also the distributors).

Once you buy such a product, you [are also given the privilege to] become a DISTRIBUTOR. And as a distributor, you are said to have just started a Network Marketing Business (or a 21st Century Business).

It's like this:
You go to the market to buy a TV. After purchasing the TV, the TV becomes yours. You can go home and enjoy it as long as you want. But the person who sold the TV to you also said "If after you've enjoyed the benefits of this TV, you recommend it to your friends to buy, I'll reward you financially. And even when your friends recommend it to their own friends, you'll still be rewarded financially."
So, if you don't tell your friends, the TV is still yours. But if you do tell your friends, it makes more sense!

But much more than rewards you get financially,
A Network Marketing company offers you and all its distributors the OPPORTUNITY to have access to the following 8 things:

1. Personal Development—Network Marketing is a business university where you learn (especially about the world of finance) through reading and through practical experience. Distributors are always trained.

2. Start and Build a Business—it is called a 21st Century Business or the Business of the Future. Why? Because in this 21st Century, it is ONLY business you can build with little capital, low risk and better chance of succeeding!

3. Meeting New People—you get to meet people in the Network horizontally and vertically (top people you might not get to meet in years or forever).

4. Earn Passive Income—Passive income is the income you get without actively involved in anything. But you qualify to earn it because the efforts you’ve made in the past has become a system that is now paying forward for you. This gives a person the opportunity to practically become financially free!

5. Financial Freedom—this means you get to a point where by you are able to CONVENIENTLY buy the things you want to buy, WHEN you want to buy them, and IF you want to buy them.

6. Helping People Succeed—sharing your experiences and amazing results with your friends so that they could enjoy the same thing as you train and show them how to build the business!

7. Enjoy Time Freedom—being able to do what you REALLY want to do when you want to do them without a compulsion of what your job or boss compels you to do.

8. Leave a Legacy—basically, the legacy of a GOOD NAME for your children and generations yet unborn.

These are the 8 core values in Network Marketing! And these core values are PRESENT in Avenues to Wealth!

Network Marketing is also referred to as…
» Direct Selling
» Multi-level Marketing (MLM)
» Home Based Business
» Referral Marketing
» The Business of the 21st Century (Robert Kiyosaki, Best Selling Author, Rich Dad Poor Dad)
» The Business School for People Who Like Helping People (Robert Kiyosaki, Best Selling Author, Rich Dad Poor Dad)
» The Recession Proof Business (Warren Buffet, the billionaire investor who now owns 3 Network Marketing companies)
» The Business of the Future
» One-to-one Business
» Low Risk-High Return Business

Emphatic Statements about Network Marketing:
» “Direct Selling is the first truly revolutionary shift in marketing” (Tom Peters, Best Selling Author)

» “Network Marketing has produced more MILLIONAIRES than any other industry in the history of the world” (Les Brown, Professional Motivational Speaker)

» “The beauty of network marketing as a business is that it’s all done for you! All you need is to find a reputable company that offers an amazing product or service you believe in and can get passionate about” (David Bach, Best Selling Author, Automatic Millionaire)

» “The future of Network Marketing is unlimited. There is no end in sight. It will continue to grow, because better people are getting into it. It will be one of the most respected business methods in the world” (Brian Tracy, Professional Speaker, Business/Life Coach)

» “Now (2012) is the perfect time to start your own business. If you do it right, you will be a leader of the future economy” (Dr. Charlotte Phelps, Economist Temple University)

» “It is the greatest investment I ever made” (Warren Buffet, the billionaire investor)

» “Network Marketing is perfectly designed such that you truly get EXACTLY what you are worth. No nepotism, no favoritism. That’s rare today” (Bob Proctor, Business Consultant and Personal Development Coach)

» “It is an entrepreneurial opportunity where people can use their talent and their passion towards a greater good” (Stephen R. Covey, Author of the best-selling 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)

This industry is a GIANT industry. And it is a GIANT industry because it works. For me, in the past two and half months, I've enjoy a few of the above 8 things (specifically Personal Development, Passive Income, Meeting New People, Building a Business) and it's simply amazing! I recommend you start now!

I recommend you join "Avenues to Wealth" (The one I'm part of, the one who's MD I've met, the one whose chairman is Prof. Pat Utomi, the one that is the leading Network Marketing company in Nigeria, the one whose vision is sincerely to make people become financially free). I recommend Avenues to Wealth (A2W).

Recently, Havard University gave 3 criteria that makes a Network Marketing Company a "Once in a lifetime opportunity"…
1. The company must be at least 18 months old (because most Network Marketing companies fail within the first 18months).

2. The company's product must be UNIQUE and HIGHLY CONSUMABLE

3. If half of 1% of the population of the country is involved, the company will be a ground floor opportunity.
If less than 500000 people are involved, the company will be a cutting edge opportunity.
If less than 100000 people are involved, the company will be regarded as a ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY.

Avenues to Wealth meets all these criteria and is considered a "once in a lifetime" opportunity.
(You can read "the 3 criteria a Network Marketing company must have before you join" by Harvard Universityon you should join a network marketing company

» To join A2W, you only need to purchase your Privilege Pack (A2W's Product). And you can do that by clicking this link now or and then click “START NOW”...
And you’ll be on your way to
1. Purchasing your Privilege Pack, and
2. Build a Network Marketing business as a DISTRIBUTOR of the Privilege Pack that will make you financially free.

» Please contact me (+2348037186833) because I'll like to guide you through the process and work together with you. And I’m ready to provide the guide and support on how we can drive our dreams into reality together with Avenues to Wealth!

» Learn in Practical Terms "What Exactly is the Privilege Pack (the amazing Product of A2W)" and how much it cost by reading the article at

» Send your requests to and I'll send you more documents and articles that gives you the whole scope of this amazing opportunity.

It's an honor for me to be the one sharing this amazing opportunity with you. I hope the message was simple and clear. Do call me (+2348037186833) and I'll be ready to guide you and work with you in A2W.

Kind Regards!

Contact me for any assistance:
» 08056112563, 08078391044 (CUG), 08037186833 (WhatsApp), BB: 2670D386

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